Quote of the Week

You don’t need another human being to make your life complete, but let’s be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn’t see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world.

-Emery Allen

20 (Bad) Habits I Won’t Give Up Just Yet

Habits take up space in our lives. Good and bad.

Good habits. It usually takes me an eternity to form one good habit. So I always make sure to give myself a pat on the back whenever I form one.

Bad habits. Give me a day and a half and I would have formed several. I don’t know what’s with bad habits but it usually is so easy to make them. Right? Right. Sometimes I tell myself I’d do something about them but well… some habits are just hard to break.

Today I’m sharing with you some bad habits I won’t give up just yet. Read on if there’s something we have in common.

1. Chocolates, ice cream, cakes. In other words, sugar.

2. Alcohol.

3. Picking fights.

4. Skipping meals.

5. Talking to myself. – I don’t find this a bad habit but many people I know judge me for it. I couldn’t care less.

6. Breaking promises to myself.

7. Multi-tasking.

8. Purposely annoying people.

9. Stopping mid-sentence.

10. Scathing sarcasm.

11. Wasting table napkins. (I just can’t help it!)

12. Hoarding.

13. Spacing out.

14. Being argumentative.

15. Not having a routine. – Well, routine is lethal.

16. Staring at an open fridge.

17. Talking during movies.

18. Not paying attention when I’m not interested with what other people are saying.

19. Questioning and complaining.

20. Buying gifts at the last minute.

We all do things we somehow wish we don’t but we can work on changing it to good ones little by little. I guess recognizing these bad habits for now is essential to a positive change but for me, not just yet.

I’d be glad to know about your bad habits, too, so feel free to write them in the comments.

Happy Sunday, homo sapiens! 🙂