The Awesome Blogger Award

Hello there, homo sapiens! I hope everyone’s safe and cool and doing great. There’s been a sudden increase of corona virus cases here in Kuwait so it’s pretty alarming but all of them who tested positive are quarantined at the moment. It’s crazy that there’s nowhere to buy masks anymore! Damn! Anyhow, I hope things will get better and hopefully no more additional cases of the virus here.

But you know what’s awesome, though? This.


I was nominated by the wonderful blogger, Carl @ The Pine-Scented Chronicles. Thank you so much, Carl. It’s really very sweet of you to think of me for this though I really couldn’t fathom why. But I’d happily take it. 😀

The Awesome Blogger Award

The award was created by Maggie @Dreaming of Guatemala. This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.

The Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Credit the creator.
  3. Tag this post with #AwesomeBloggerAward.
  4. Answer all the questions given to you.
  5. Nominate some people.
  6. Write 10 questions for them to answer.

Let’s get started with Carl’s questions:

You were given an opportunity to have a tête-à-tête with an author, or an historical figure. Who will it be and what will you talk about? You can also choose figures who’ve already passed away.

I would definitely enjoy a tête-à-tête with Ferdinand Marcos. I would love to know the kind of books he loved to read and which one is his favorite. Also I’m curious what were his plans for the Philippines if it weren’t for the people power revolution.

I would also be very interested for a private conversation with Adolf Hitler. And I think it’s easy to guess why.

Since it is the month of love, who are your top three favorite literary couples?

  1. Hazel and Augustus – The Fault in Our Stars
  2. Ennis and Jack – Brokeback Mountain
  3. Ali and Noah – The Notebook

If you were to travel to a place you’ve never been before, where would it be?

There’s a lot of places I would really love to go to but my top three priorities for now are Japan, Egypt and Africa.

Which author do you want to write your life story?

I would love Haruki Murakami to write my life story but I’d also consider Laura Hillenbrand and Khaled Hosseini.

In times of distress, what are your top five go-to books?

  1. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
  2. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  3. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
  4. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
  5. The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

What was the first book you’ve read loved? Tell us more about why loved the book.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Wonderland is my favorite place to be. And I can very much relate with Alice’s curiosity and sometimes her childishness.

You’re in the bookstore and all the books you want to have are on sale. However, your budget is limited. What five titles will you buy?

Hmmm… this is a tough question and a tough situation to be in! Well, at the moment I’d go for:

  1. The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
  2. The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
  3. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
  4. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
  5. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Which do you prefer – the sound of the waves or the tranquility of mountains?

The tranquility of mountains all the time!

What are three things, or activities, that you are most passionate about?

Reading, tennis, travelling.

If your life is to be made into a movie, which genre will it be – drama, comedy, fantasy, horror or suspense? Which actor/actress, in your opinion, will give justice to your story?

Definitely not fantasy or horror. More of comedy and suspense with a little bit of drama. I would love Emily Blunt to play as myself and I would love Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino and Kit Harington to play a part in the movie. 🙂

Now I’m tagging…






No worries if you don’t feel like doing this, it would be fun to know your answers but no problem if this isn’t your kind of thing. You’re not obligated unless you want to.

My questions (just in case)…

  1. If you could have dinner with one celebrity/author/historical figure (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
  2. What three things would you want to achieve this year?
  3. If you could live in any place in the world, where would it be and why?
  4. Do you like spending time alone, why or why not?
  5. Your current favorite song.
  6. What sports do you play?
  7. What’s your favorite food/dish?
  8. What’s the first thing you notice in a person?
  9. How do you like to relax?
  10. If I’d be fortunate to visit your city/country and get the chance to meet up with you, what would we do?

I’m looking forward to the nominees’ answers and for anyone reading this, consider yourself tagged. You can either write a post or simply answer the questions in the comments section.

Thanks again, Carl! I enjoyed doing this!

Happy weekend, homo sapiens!

Real Neat Award

Good day, homo sapiens! I am doing another blog award post today and it’s the Real Neat Blog Award! This is a first for me and I am so very thankful to Sadje for this! For my blog to be recognized/nominated by other bloggers for awards such as this one certainly gives me great joy! I am flattered/honored to be noticed. Do visit, follow (if you haven’t yet) and enjoy Sadje’s writings on her blog Keep It Alive.

Now let’s get started!


The rules for the real neat blog award

  1. Display the award logo.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  3. Answer the questions from the blog who nominated you.
  4. Nominate seven to ten bloggers.
  5. Ask them seven questions.

Sadje’s Questions:

1. Where does blogging fit in your life?

I don’t set a schedule when to write for my blog, I just write whenever I can — a haiku, an elfchen, book reviews or whatever comes to mind then put it on schedule on my blog. I sometimes write when I have free time in the office or when I’m in a coffee shop alone to think and unwind.

2. Have you ever tried to do:

         a) Paragliding?

Yes. I have tried paragliding twice in Georgia and both times were really, really fun and amazing. I will do it again when I get the chance.

         b) Horse riding?

Yes. I started riding horses when I was 8. Fell from a horse when I was 14, didn’t ride it again until I was 20. But since I worked abroad, I didn’t really get the chance to ride again. However, while in Jordan for vacation last 2016, I was able to ride again though only for a very short time.

         c) Deep sea diving?

No. Never. I am not comfortable with water so the idea of trying such and the likes of it is a big no for me.

       3. Do you celebrate your birthday?

Not really but my friends prepare some dinner or get-together on my birthday so they celebrate. Haha! But I personally prefer to just let the day go as any usual day. I do appreciate my friends’ efforts though!

       4. If you have free time at hand, would you go for a walk or a long drive?

A long drive sounds more fun but as I grow older, I prefer going for a walk. It’s more relaxing and I get to think about life and things in general in a better perspective.

       5. Your best friend calls in the middle of the night and asks you to meet them at a deserted place, will you go? BTW, this friend has known to pull pranks!

Yes, I will go. It’s alright to get pranked than to regret in the end that I didn’t go. Who knows, my best friend might have really needed me by her side at that moment, right? So yes, anytime! 🙂

My nominees:

  1. Accidental Blogger
  2. Shweta Suresh
  3. Earthwalking
  4. Elganspo
  5. Mariam Shittu
  6. Ayesha
  7. Chocoviv

My Questions:

  1. As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?
  2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  3. What is your favorite holiday?
  4. Which famous person would you like to be best friends with?
  5. What’s the one place you’d really love to travel to?
  6. What is the last book you’ve read?
  7. What’s the most exciting thing in your life right now?

There you have it! Once again, big thanks to Sadje for this nomination. Congratulations to all the nominees, I hope you find time to get to it, I’m so excited to read your answers! And for everyone reading this, consider yourselves nominated, too, or you can answer the questions in the comment section if you want to so feel free, I’d be delighted to read them.

Have a wonderful day, homo sapiens!

Sunshine Blogger Award #8

images (1)As usual, I’m so very late for this again. But wow! Thanks a lot, Paragtak! Know that I am delighted about this and I appreciate it so much. You can visit his blog here.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging sites.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  5. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo on your site or on your post.

Now I get to choose and answer 10 questions so read on:

1. One dream you can never forget?

Staring at myself inside a coffin.

2. What is your favorite word?


3. What’s your favorite food?

I like most foods but my current favorite, buttered chicken and butter nan.

4. If you were given a chance to meet three blogging friends, who and why?

I’d love to meet all my followers and those I follow but if I get to choose three for now, I’d love to meet:

  1. Chuck – – the sweetest and truest friend I’ve met on WP.
  2. Richa – – she’s so full of positivity.
  3. Ana – – I think she can be one great friend.

5. Who is your favorite blogger?

I don’t have a favorite. I follow different bloggers for different reasons.

6. Most adventurous thing I’ve done?

Hmmm… a lot but one of the most recent one is going cross countries with people whom I never knew the names until we’ve landed to the first destination.

7. Have you ever tried to impress someone but failed miserably?

No. I don’t think I have to impress anyone or anybody…

8. One thing that you never ever wanna do?

I never ever wanna stop traveling.

9. One animal I’m most afraid of?


10. How much do you enjoy blogging?

It’s more of how much I enjoy reading other blog posts, you know! Sometimes I read something that really cracks me up, sometimes I get to read something really sad. So I enjoy reading blogs because of the feeling I get when I read them and the lessons or new things I learn from them.

My nominees are:

My questions for the nominees are:

1. What were you really into when you were a kid?

2. What’s the most useful thing you own?

3. Who in your life brings you the most joy?

4. What’s the most beautiful place near your house?

5. One thing you bring with you everywhere you go.

6. Has anyone ever saved your life?

7. What are you best at?

8. Suggest one book you think I should read.

9. Suggest one movie or series you think I should watch.

10. What’s your all-time favorite song?

11. What is the most useful app on your phone?

There you go! Sorry again, Paragtak for doing this too late and thank you once again! 🙂

I hope the nominees have the time to do this, I’m so looking forward to your answers!

Have a very wonderful day, homo sapiens! 🙂

The Mystery Blogger Award #2

This came as a surprise several weeks back but I didn’t have time to do it but… it’s always better late than never, I guess, and so huge thanks to Elly, for nominating me and sorry for waiting so long! 😉 She’s a sweet girl from Nigeria who wants to be a superhero! You can visit her blog here.

Let’s start off with The Rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  5. Answer the questions you were asked.
  6. Nominate 6-7 other bloggers.
  7. Ask the nominees any five questions of your choice.


Three Things About Myself:

Hmm… I can’t think of anything! Haha! Well…

1. I’m not a big fan of social media. I’ve only started using Twitter a few months back and I don’t seem to know how to use it properly. Ha! I don’t have a Facebook account and very inactive on Instagram.

2. I love to talk. When I meet someone I really enjoy talking to, I can talk with them for hours on end.

3. I value space and freedom.

Here are my answers to Elly’s questions:

1. What’s your inspiration for writing?

As I always say, I don’t really consider myself a writer though writing has been a very big part of my life. I mostly write when I’m feeling too much about something or someone. I only get to write things that I’ve seen or experienced. I daydream a lot but I can’t put them into words. 😉 Sounds weird or strange maybe? But yeah, whatever I’m feeling or experiencing are I guess, what inspires me to write.

2. Who is your favorite superhero?

Wolverine. I’m anti-violence but I like his use of deadly force. 😅 I, myself, am a rebel and he brings out the rebel in us.

Magneto. I like his ability to control magnetic fields.

3. Wanna explore the world or sit back and relax?

Definitely explore the world. I’ve been to a few countries for the past nine years and traveling and exploring places I haven’t been to before are truly wonderful, enlightening, heartwarming and sometimes heart-breaking experiences. When I become rich, traveling is top priority!

4. Summer with rain or winter with spring?

Hmm… I would choose winter and spring. I want to see snow. And spring because in my hometown, it always almost seems like spring time because flowers bloom almost all year ’round.

5. Movie or hangout with your friends?

I’m not really into movies but here in Kuwait, hanging out with friends means watching a movie. 🙂 Whether in the cinema or in someone’s apartment, there has got to be movies though I don’t really pay much attention to it.

Now here are my nominees:

Hiral N.

Himani Thakur

Realistic Beginner





My questions for the nominees are:

  1. What is something you will never do again?
  2. What is something everyone should do at least once in their lives?
  3. What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?
  4. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
  5. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford?

There you go! I hope the nominees will find time to accept this, I can’t wait to read your answers! And once again, thanks a lot, Elly! 🙂

Happy day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Friendship Blogger Award

I never really thought there’s a Friendship Blogger Award thingy until I was nominated by Shreya who happens to be one of the friendliest bloggers I’ve interacted with here on WordPress. You can check out her blog here: Big thanks to Shreya for thinking of me! Haha! Cheers! I don’t really feel being quite friendly the past few weeks but interacting with Shreya and other bloggers here lift my mood when we get to interact with each other and discuss each other’s posts or anything that comes to mind.

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This award was created/invented by Novus and this is for those we cherish here on WordPress, to show them affection and to offer them our friendship.

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and a link to their blog.
  • Nominate other bloggers to receive the award.
  • List the rules and display the Friendship Blogger Award logo in your blog post.

My nominees:








I can nominate more because there’s a lot of you who deserve this award but I’m pretty busy, but consider yourselves nominated, too! Thanks again, Shreya!

Happy day, homo sapiens! 🙂

The Sunshine Blogger Award #3

Huge thanks to Himani for this sweet Sunshine Blogger Award and for following my blog! I do appreciate it a lot! You can visit her blog here to see her sketches and stuff. 🙂

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The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.

Let’s start of with the nominees first:




Brown Girl on a Budget






Love’s Deep Waters


My 11 Questions for the nominees are: 

  1. Describe yourself in three words.
  2. What’s your worst habit?
  3. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  5. One thing that’s on your bucket list.
  6. What’s the most unusual meal you had?
  7. What is something that you feel passionate about?
  8. Do you believe in afterlife?
  9. What is something you’ve recently learned?
  10. What’s your hometown like?
  11. Which among my blog posts do you like most?

Now here are my answers for Himani’s questions:

1) What is special about your place you grew up?

I was raised in my hometown, Baguio City. For one, it’s the summer capital of the Philippines owing it to its cool climate since it’s situated 5000 feet above sea level. It’s a small city but is classified highly urbanized. I love most of all the simplicity of life there specially when I was younger. The place is always up-to-date with the recent developments but still maintains the simplicity and relaxing atmosphere I grew up from.   

2) If you know today is the last day of your will you spend your day?

Hmmm… I’d probably meet all my closest friends, eat and drink a lot! Then I’ll spend an hour or two reading random pages from my favorite books, hit a few tennis balls, then go home to my family, eat (again) my mom’s best dishes chat with them until my last breathing moment.

3) What is worth spending more on to get the best? 

Food! I don’t mind spending much on food as long as it satisfies me.

4) What do you wish to be born  in your next life, again as a human being or any other creature?

I wish to be born as a dolphin! 🙂

5) What do you love about yourself the most?

My resilience in times of adversity.

6) If you had to be on a reality tv show, which one would you choose?

Dancing with the Stars, MasterChef, Survivor. 

7) Where do you see yourself in next 5 years? 

I hopefully have my own business already.

8) If you could buy one material thing and money was not an issue, what would it be?

If money weren’t an issue, I want to buy as much stocks as I could. I also want to buy a castle that’s still retained its original design and everything! And all the books I want to read! I know you asked for just one but forgive me. Haha!  

9) What’s the best way to comfort you when you’re having a really terrible day?

Very good food and black coffee. 

10) Which food you’ll not eat under any circumstances? 

I can’t think of any because I love food. There’s almost nothing I don’t like. 🙂 Just don’t give me pure cheese to eat. I’m not really a fan of cheese.

11) If you didn’t have to sleep,  what would you do with extra time? 

Read! There are a lot of books I want to read but I don’t have that much free time to do so… Or I’d probably learn how to ride a bike!


So there you have it! Once again, thanks a lot, Himani!

Enjoy the day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Liebster Award #6

Hello there! Today’s post is another Liebster and I want to thank Zovi for this! Do check out her blog here if you haven’t yet! Lots of nice stuff to read there! 🙂


The Rules:

  1. Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, links to their blog. Include award graphic.
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Make a new set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Nominate 11 others and share your post with them so they see it.

The Questions from Zovi and My Answers:

What gets you through a bad day (or everyday)?

Food, coffee and a great conversation.

Who has been your role model? Why?

Oh I don’t remember having any role models growing up or even now that I’m an adult. I greatly admire Ferdinand Marcos, though.

Would you rather have more time or money?

Money. I think I pretty much have time but not enough money to do the many things I want to do for myself and to help other people.

One word that describes you and your blog.


Which is the first book that made you cry?

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

It relaxes me.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

I really don’t know but in my case, I only get to write when I’m feeling too much.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

As I always mention, I don’t really consider myself a writer but if there’s something I would tell my younger self… hmmm… “Do what you truly want in life that makes you happy no matter what it takes and regardless of what that looks like to other people.”

Which is your favorite post from my blog?

Stop Caring.

If you could bring back anyone from the dead, who would it be? Why?

Adolf Hitler because I have a lot of questions for him and to tell him that because of him, I won first place in an essay writing contest when I was in elementary school and some cash prize! 🙂

The Nominees:






I know I should nominate 11 bloggers but I’m running out of time so I’m nominating everyone reading this as well! Or you can answer the questions in the comment section, too, for an interesting discussion. 🙂

My Questions:

  1. What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
  2. Where is your happy place?
  3. What’s your dream job?
  4. What are you most afraid of?
  5. The best way for you to relax.
  6. Your favorite movie.
  7. What are you most proud of?
  8. Has a book ever changed your life?
  9. What sports do you play?
  10. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
  11. What do you hope never changes?

Enjoy the day, homo sapiens! 🙂

The Mystery Blogger Award

I momentarily stepped away from work to accept this nomination for The Mystery Blogger Award! A first! How cool is that? Huge thanks to Jyoti for nominating me and sorry for doing this so bloody late! Make sure to check out her blog here. She’s got tons of wonderful stuff to enjoy there.


The Rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. You have to nominate 10-20 people.
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice.

The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma where he says:

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

Three Things About Me:

1. I’m a frustrated singer.

2. I can’t whistle.

3. I’ve consistently been writing a diary since 2009 until I stopped writing for a while some time last year. I started to write again a few months later and finally decided not to write anymore since the new year.

Jyoti’s Questions and My Answers:

1. Are you happy with your life? If yes, explain your happiness in one word.

I don’t have everything I want in life and things turned out differently the way I planned my life to be but I’m certainly happy as to what and where I am now. So if I were to describe my happiness in one word, it would be: blessed.

2. Which is your favorite color and why?

I’ve had several favorites at certain moments in my life. Like when I was in elementary school, I was so obsessed with green. I think I was really into nature at that time. In high school, I liked white a lot. Most of my shirts were white then. When I was in the university, I was into gray. I was a bit uncertain of the things that were going on then. So I always settle on things in between. Decisions weren’t too easy to make. I don’t know if that makes sense to you but it does to me during those years. After graduating though and until now, I find purple lovely and I like black a lot. Most of my clothes now are black. Helps me look a bit slimmer, too! 😉

3. Explain your way of life to your viewers.

For those who have been following me for some time now, you know I’m currently residing/working in Kuwait. I go to work Sundays thru Thursdays and have my days off on weekends (Friday & Saturday) which I usually spend reading, writing or sometimes watching. There’s not much to do around here unlike back in my country so it’s a bit boring actually. I have a very laid-back lifestyle and I don’t concern myself with fashion or the latest trends. I mostly eat out or order for delivery  because I’m not a good cook.

4. What do you fear the most?

My mom and an empty fridge. 😂

5. Do you think the one who nominated you is a good writer/blogger?

Definitely! 👍

The Nominees:

Laleh Chini

Pankhudi Singh









My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Space or ocean exploration and why?
  2. What’s your dream job?
  3. The first thing you’ll save from your burning house?
  4. What’s your current favorite song?
  5. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be and why?

There you go! I hope you all enjoyed reading and I’m looking forward to the answers of the nominees as well, I hope you accept the nomination. 🙂

Once again, thanks a lot, Jyoti!

Have a wonderful day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award #2

I am so thrilled to accept another Sunshine Blogger Award, this time from a very kind-hearted lady with a lovely name, Tashnee! Do check out her blog if you haven’t yet here.


The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award and write for them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Now here are Tashnee’s questions:

Since you started blogging what have you learned from other bloggers?

What I’ve learned from other bloggers aren’t actually blogging/writing tips. What I usually learn from them are things that happen in their worlds. I also get to learn a lot of general information from them and that’s what makes it all fun and interesting.

Who is your mentor?

Actually, no one. As I have mentioned several times, I’m not really a writer. It just so happened that I’ve got things in my mind that are sometimes better written than spoken. There’s this one person though whom I ask once in a while when things are a bit confusing or when I need an opinion on something or when I need better vocabulary words. If you can call that a mentor, then he’s the closest I’ve got. 🙂

What makes you unique?

Oh, I think I don’t know… though I’ve always believed that every person is unique, I can’t still pinpoint what makes me unique among others. I’d want to believe I’m normal though because I am very often described by others as weird, strange, naughty and very recently, dangerous.

What motivates you to blog?

I actually only get to write something when I’m feeling too much. So I guess, it’s the emotions/feelings and everyday experiences/observations that actually motivate me to write.

What are your fears?

My mom and an empty refrigerator. Haha!

What’s your blog about?

Just about anything…

How do you grow your blog?

I’m afraid I’m not doing anything except for commenting and replying to comments and visiting other interesting blogs as well. I should probably work on this. 😉

Describe yourself in two words.

Naughty and rebellious. But I really think I’m nice! Haha!

Which blogger do you look up to, if you have and why?

As long as I enjoy what I read in their blogs, I think that’s something to look up to.

What type of music you like?

I can listen to most types of music but I listen to alternative rock more.

The Nominees:

Priti C







The secret blog of a 30 year old




My 11 Questions for the Nominees

1. Do you like history? Why or why not?

2. What part of history would you like to go back to if you could?

3. Would you change history if you could?

4. What does home mean to you?

5. What do you like most about your hometown?

6. What do you prefer, city or countryside? Why?

7. What country would you really like to visit someday?

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?

9. How do your friends describe you?

10. What’s your favorite quote?

11. What’s your favorite book?

There you go! I hope the nominees will have time to answer my questions because I am so excited to hear your answers. 🙂

Once again, thanks Tashnee! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Happy day, homo sapiens!

Sunshine Blogger Award #1

A huge thank you to Savvy for the nomination. Please know that I do appreciate the recognition and that this means a lot because it shows that someone out there reads my blog and probably connects to what I write one way or the other. 🙂 Do check out and enjoy Savvy’s blog here.

download (2)The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award and write for them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Savvy’s Questions:

What is your take on equality of sexes? 

Well, men and women are not the same but both have equal value, thus, should be granted equal treatment. We can not achieve gender equality for as long as women are treated as secondary citizens.

What is your idea of happiness?

An integrated and balanced life.

What is your idea of a perfect day in your life?

In a cabin in the woods, with a book, good food and music. No internet. (With my boyfriend, if I have one, would be a bonus!)

Do you like to dance, if so what style or form attracts you?

Yes, I like dancing. I just go disco dancing, actually, but would love to learn and dance salsa.

What are you most thankful for?

There are tons of things I am always thankful for but these days I have to say, I’m really grateful for my job and good health.

Among the many valuable qualities what is the most important quality to develop as a human being?

I personally think that it is important to develop the quality of our mindset because it influences everything we see, think, do and believe in.

The nominees:

My 11 questions for the nominees are:

What makes a person beautiful to you?

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from a failure?

How do you get rid of stress?

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read recently?

What animal/insect do you wish human can eradicate?

What are you best at?

Which do you prefer more, books or movies?

Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just cease to exist after you die?

Would you rather be forced to kill a kitten or kill a puppy?

What do you wish your phone could do?

If time freezes for everyone except you for one whole day, what would you do?

I hope you enjoyed reading and to the nominees, I’m looking forward to your answers. 🙂

Again, thanks a lot, Savvy!

Happy day, everyone!

Liebster Award #2

This is a much delayed response to Ocean Hayward but I’m still very grateful for this Liebster Award! Wow! Another Liebster just means so much. This is so sweet! Thanks a lot, Ocean! Visit her blog and find lots of great things there! 🙂


The instructions for accepting the Liebster are:

  • Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, link their blog and insert the award graphic.
  • Answer the questions provided to you, share a little bit about yourself.
  • Develop a new set of questions for your nominations to answer.
  • Nominate 10 others and share your post with them so they see it.

So… here are her questions and my answers:

What advice would you give to young writers/ new bloggers?

Oh I don’t think I’m the right person to give advice to young writers/new bloggers. I’m a newbie, too! 😊

How did you learn how to read and write? I honestly don’t remember a time trying to learn how to read/write, really. What I can recall is that I always read with my older brother most of the time.

What made you want to start writing/ creating? There was a really sad time when I was still in grade school and writing served as the outlet for my feelings/emotions. I’m able to write when I’m feeling too much.

If you had to switch jobs, what career would you pursue and why? I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer and politician. I think I can lead and I have a brilliant plan on how to improve the current situation in my country. (Haha!)

Would you rather be able to move things with your mind or be able to talk to animals? Even though being able to talk to animals sounds fun to me, I guess I’d rather be able to move things with my mind. I’ve got some ideas running in my head already. 😉

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done? Hmmm… I think peeing on the rooftop because I was drunk and lazy to go to the bathroom. (?)

Referring to the television show Freaks and Geeks, when you were in high school were you a freak or a geek? A freak definitely.

Name one fashion fad that you secretly still love and are waiting for it to come back into style. I really liked to wear Tretorn shoes before but I don’t see them nowadays (well, I don’t see them here…) but I would love to wear one again specially the ones I used to have back in high school.

Your first thought that comes to mind when someone mentions, “Canada.” Snow and the maple leaf. 🙂

Tell us about the funniest thing that ever happened ever. EVER. (I mean it. Ever.) I once locked my classmates and the teacher inside the classroom when I was in 5th grade. They weren’t able to go out until lunch break and I later found out that some were crying and going crazy being locked up. It’s probably scary for them but was really funny for me because I’ve never done anything like that before and I’m not sure why I did it but it was real fun at the time. And oh! My teacher’s face when she saw me later, pure pleasure! 😀

Now the Liebster awardees are :

  1. NS
  2. Aishwarya
  3. A Not so Jaded Life
  4. Seema Mehra
  5. Lunarian Thoughts
  6. Priti C
  7. Silhouette
  8. Queenyasaaawrites
  9. Elma Shakil
  10. ByLuis7

And the 10 questions they’ve got to answer :

  1. What do you think about first thing in the morning?
  2. What’s your personal heaven?
  3. When God asks you while standing in the gates of heaven why should He let you in, what would you say?
  4. What do you do to forget about life for a while?
  5. Have you ever taken responsibility over someone else’s mistake?
  6. What bad habits do you want to break?
  7. What terrifies you the most?
  8. What comes to mind first when you think of your home?
  9. If one day Karma comes back to you, would it help you or hurt you?
  10. What were you doing the last time you lost track of time?

Looking forward to your answers! Thanks again, Ocean!ppy day, homo sapiens!

Liebster Award #1

It’s such a wonderful feeling to be recognized in the blogging community! Huge thanks to Shweta! 🙂 High-five! Check out her blog:

Lots of beautiful things to read there. It took me quite some time to do this, I’m sorry, but here it is! 🙂

www.kirstiekinsblogs.co_.uk_The Rules:

  1. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
  2. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  3. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  4. Let them know that you have nominated them.

Below are the 11 questions from Shweta:

1. How long have you been blogging?

If you didn’t ask, I wouldn’t have realized that it’s been almost two years since I started this blog. 🙂

2. What’s the story behind your blog’s name?

I often feel that I’m such a mess, a walking chaos and so on but a happy kind of mess and all, and so the blog name…

3. What is your favorite genre and is it the same one you write?

No particular favorite and I’m not really a writer, I’m far from it so I just write whatever little thoughts come to mind (or out of boredom) like six-word stories and haiku and book reviews if you can call them that…

4. How has blogging changed your life?

Hmmm… I’m not really an active blogger and there’s no real life-changing effect on me to be quite honest and I hope the readers won’t get me wrong, however, I must say that if I didn’t start with this blog, I probably wouldn’t have met wonderful bloggers and I probably wouldn’t have come across amazing blogs.

5. Describe yourself in five words.

Naughty. Happy-go-lucky. Independent. Unpredictable. Rebellious.

6. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small city located some 5,000 feet above sea level within a mountain range in Northern Philippines.

7. What is your most treasured possession?

My books.

8. What is the most watched movie/TV series in your collection?

Lately, for movies, Logan. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it already.

For TV series, Game of Thrones and House of Cards. (I haven’t watched Season 5 yet!!!)

9. Do you love to read? If the answer to that is yes, Books or Kindle?

Yes. Definitely books though I must say I’ve been reading more from my Kindle since someone gave it to me.

10. Cats or dogs? Or both? Or none?

Dogs, of course! I would love to own a golden retriever.

11. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Ferdinand Marcos and/or Adolf Hitler.

My nominees are:

Savvy Raj

Candid Hunter Productions

Anusha Muralidharan


Jyoti Jain Soni




Samita Shrestha

And if you’re reading this, consider yourself nominated as well. 🙂

My 11 questions are:

  1. Describe yourself in three words.

  2. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

  3. What sports do you play?

  4. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

  5. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

  6. What’s your favorite book?

  7. Who’s your favorite author and why?

  8. What is something that you will never do again?

  9. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

  10. What’s your favorite cuisine?

  11. What do you wish you knew more about?

Thanks again, Shweta and thanks guys for reading! Happy Tuesday!