Sunshine Blogger Award #7

As usual, I’m very late for this again! I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long, Kavita! Thank you so much for the nomination, I do appreciate it a lot. Do visit her blog here (and thank me later) if you haven’t yet.

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I guess everyone knows the rules already. So I’ll just start answering the questions right away.

1. Museum or movie?

Definitely a museum! 🙂

2. Favorite author and why?

Haruki Murakami

I have several but Haruki Murakami definitely tops my list. Norwegian Wood is the very first book of his that I’ve read. It blew my mind! I have never read anything like that before, anything Murakami-like! Since then, my fascination of him and his books grew and I intend to read all his works.

3. Favorite music group?

Eraserheads, Green Day, The Beatles, Abba, Maroon 5, Bee Gees, Backstreet Boys. I can’t choose just one. 🙂

4. Favorite book?

Kafka on the Shore (and all Murakami books, actually), The Kite Runner, Stoner, A Little Life, The Book Thief, Unbroken and many more. There can’t only be one.

5. Do you write because you want to or because you have to?

Well, most of the time because I want to since writing is a very good outlet when I’m feeling too much (good or bad) and I write because I have to for the very same reason.

6. Why did you start blogging?


7. If you could live at any other time in history, when would it be and why?

I’d choose to live during the war years. I’ve read many books and articles and watched some documentaries about the war, it’s probably the worst years to live but well, I don’t know, I’m constantly drawn to the idea of living during those times whenever I’m asked. I also want to live during the years Jesus Christ was still on earth.

8. What is your favorite place to visit?

I enjoy visiting amusement parks, museums, zoos, bookstores, flea markets, thrift shops and libraries.

9. Favorite quote:

You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. ~Rick Warren

10. Library or sports arena?

Library! But I’d choose sports arena for a chance to see Roger Federer play! 😉

11. Famous person you admire most and why?

Ferdinand Marcos. He’s one heck of a president, very smart and polarizing. He can recite the 1935 & 1973 Philippine constitution. He’s the best president the Philippines’ ever had. There was discipline in the country during his regime. Economic growth and stability was better then. You can write a book about his achievements and what he has done for the country, unfortunately, more people choose to focus on the negative.

My nominees are:

The questions I’m looking forward for them to answer are:

  1. What is something popular that annoys you?
  2. What did you do on your last vacation?
  3. What’s your favorite number and why?
  4. What do you bring with you wherever you go?
  5. What smell brings back great memories?
  6. What are you best at?
  7. What TV series are you watching these days?
  8. What book are you currently reading?
  9. What was your first smart phone?
  10. Do you prefer traveling around or with a group?
  11. How do you plan to make the world a better place?

There you go! I hope the nominees would have the time to do this… And to everyone reading this, feel free to answer them, too!

Thanks again, Kavita! 🙂

Friday Fun Day Challenge – Game On – You Name It!

Hi there, homo sapiens! I got tagged for the Friday Fun Day Challenge – Game On – You Name It! Thank you very much, Richa! Do visit her blog guys if you haven’t yet! Lots of interesting stuffs to read there! Just click here. You can thank me later! 🙂


1 Thank the nominator
2 Answer Q1 – Q19
3 Nominate three bloggers of your choice and notify them.
4 Each selected blogger MUST answer 16 of the asked 19 questions, but also insert 3 new questions to make up the 19 compliment. Every time a new blogger is selected they MUST only answer 16 of the asked 19 questions as well as answer their own 3, and choose 3 new bloggers. Each time a new blogger sees the questionnaire it will be completely different to the next blogger along.
(Hint: delete three of the questions you don’t like or have no answer for and insert your own in its place)
5 Q19 & Q13 Must always remain intact.

Let’s get started:

1. Are you currently reading a book, if so what is it?
A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin & A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.

2. Toast or cereal.

Toast without the crust! With peanut butter and jelly!

3. Choice weapon for survival during the zombie invasion?
A remote control with buttons for different weapons/options to kill zombies like:

  1. Bludgeoning
  2. Bomb / gas explosion / other explosives
  3. Crossbow
  4. Decapitation by chainsaw or a katana
  5. Flame thrower
  6. Kill by firearms
  7. Traps

4. Horror or comedy films
I’d go for horror! I like comedy but I’d choose horror over it!

5. What food are you currently craving for?

All Vietnamese food! Pho, banh xeo, banh cuon, chao, etc. Plus ca phe, too!

6. What was your favorite sweet/candy as a kid?
Curly tops, chocolate cakes and chocolate ice cream.

7. Going to the party or the library what’s your preference?
This depends largely on my mood at that given moment. Libraries always give me the peace and solitude I need/want but I enjoy parties, too! I’m one party animal as well! 😉

8. What is your favorite tipple [drink]?
Definitely beer! And whisky and vodka.

9. If you were coming back as an animal which is the least you would like to return as, BUT knowing your luck you just might? [Provide image]
Hmmm… I don’t ever wanna be a hyena!


10. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Murder. Mass murder.

11. Which is that final destination or goal you’re aiming at and want to achieve no matter what?
To have a business of my own.

12. If you could have one super power what would you pick and why?
The power of time travel. I want to experience life mostly in the past in different places at different eras/ages and see how the world became as it is now and I wouldn’t need a time machine if I possessed that power!

13. Which 3 questions will you be deleting to add your own in?

Skinny dipping or mud wrestling.

Ok, you are going to be shipwrecked on an island that has food and water, what three items would you need to have with you?

If we didn’t know what the color ‘mauve’ actually looked like, how would you describe it?

14. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
Whoever who’d have the interest to do that should entitle the book as “Just Me, The Just in Case.”

15. What was the longest plane trip you have taken?

The longest plane trip I’ve ever taken was from Amman, Jordan to Hanoi, Vietnam. It took 15 hours including a 6-hour layover in Dubai.

16. Where would you like to be in 3 years time from now on?
Three years from now, I hope to have started my small business and hopefully doing volunteer works while traveling.

17. What one item do you always have to get when grocery shopping?


18. What music is currently your favorite? [Provide link]

It’s a really sad song but it’s very relatable since my last relationship ended. So even if it’s sad, it’s always on my favorites list and yeah, current favorite.


19. The three bloggers you are nominating are?

MissteriosoDas, Pradita and Swalia. I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be fun reading their posts when they accept to do this!

There you go! Thanks a lot, Richa! It was sure fun doing this challenge! ‘Til the next one!

Happy Friday, homo sapiens! 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award #6

Big thanks to Indishe for my 6th Sunshine Blogger Award! It took me quite a while to accept and do this but here it is now! Thanks a lot! Do visit her beautiful blog if you haven’t yet, just click here. Here are my answers to Indishe’s questions. 1. What is your secret desire? I […]

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Big thanks to Indishe for my 6th Sunshine Blogger Award! It took me quite a while to accept and do this but here it is now! Thanks a lot! Do visit her beautiful blog if you haven’t yet, just click here.

Here are my answers to Indishe’s questions.

1. What is your secret desire?

I do have several secret desires and I intend to keep them as secrets. 😉

2. What would you like to be in the next birth?

I would love to be a dolphin in my next life.

3. What one thing would you like to change?

If I could change one thing in the world, I will make the rich, poor and the poor, rich.

Below are my nominees:


Roth Poetry

Realistic Beginner

Darol D’Cruz


My questions for the nominees are:

1. What do you do to get rid of stress?

2. What’s your favorite number and why?

3. Who brings the most joy in your life?

4. If you had to change your name, what would it be?

5. What are you best at?

I’ll limit it to 5 questions this time. I hope the nominees would accept and do this! And to everyone who wants to answer the questions, feel free to do so in the comments! 🙂

Thanks once again, Indishe!

Have a wonderful day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award #5

I’m so delighted to be nominated for another Sunshine Blogger Award and this time from a very kind, young lady’s soul from Nigeria. Thanks a lot, Elly and I’m sorry for doing this way too late. I do appreciate this a lot, thank you very much.


The Rules:

  1. Display the sunshine Blogger Award logo in a post on your blog
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you, put a link back to their blog.
  3. Answer the 10 Questions.
  4. Nominate 5-10 bloggers who you feel deserve this award.
  5. Let the nominees know that you’ve nominated them and provide them with questions to answer.

Here are Elly’s questions together with my answers:

1. Name and give a pic of your favorite plant.

Tulips! I love tulips. Its symmetry, it looks almost perfect. Someone once told me that tulips can be used as a replacement for onion in some recipes but I’m not so sure. Better google it. Haha! But why eat them? They’re so beautiful to be eaten!

field o' tulips 5 (1)
Photo credit to:

2. One thing about yourself.. you want to change.

Hmmm, this is a bit difficult to answer but as of the moment, maybe my being too friendly. I want to be less friendly. I’m starting to hate humans. 😉

3. Name your favorite band and link to one of your favorite song.

I have several favorites. I know you asked for one but I’ll give you two. 🙂

First, a popular 90s local band back in the Philippines – Eraserheads. One of their songs I like the most is With A Smile.

Second, I also enjoy listening to Green Day. And one of my favorite songs from them is 21 Guns.

4. Morning or night walks.

Oh, it doesn’t really matter. 😉

5. Simple living or a busy one.

Nowadays, I prefer busy. It keeps me away from overthinking, from being sad and doing/thinking not-so-nice things.

6. Trip with your friends for a whole day or a talk with your best friend.

It’s been a long time since I’ve last seen my best friend so I’d choose a talk/conversation with him. (Yes, him.)

7. Do you know any other language besides your mother tongue. If yes, then say hello in that language.

안녕 -> Annyeong! (Korean)

Marhabah (Arabic)

But I am not fluent in both languages. Just the very basics.

8. Phone or Television with your cousin.

I’m never close with any of my cousins (in fact, I don’t really know them!) and I’m not very fond of using phones or watching television. So neither.

9. Reading or writing.

Definitely reading!

10. Arrogant or a calm up person.

I’m allergic to arrogance so a calm/relaxed individual will do me good.

The Nominees:

Prakhar Bansal

Shaloo Walia





And everyone reading this!

The questions I’d love to know the answers to from the nominees (and to all of you reading) are:

  1. What’s your favorite food?
  2. What makes you roll your eyes whenever you see or hear it?
  3. What job do you think you’ll be really good at?
  4. What’s your recent favorite song?
  5. What languages do you wish you could speak?
  6. What book are you reading nowadays?
  7. Suggest a book you think I should read.
  8. How different was your life 5 years ago?
  9. What was the last thing you Googled?
  10. What one question would you like to ask me?

I hope the nominees have time to do this as I’ll be happily waiting for your answers! 🙂 Thanks once again, Elly! ‘Til the next one!

Happy day, homo sapiens! 🙂

The Mystery Blogger Award #2

This came as a surprise several weeks back but I didn’t have time to do it but… it’s always better late than never, I guess, and so huge thanks to Elly, for nominating me and sorry for waiting so long! 😉 She’s a sweet girl from Nigeria who wants to be a superhero! You can visit her blog here.

Let’s start off with The Rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  5. Answer the questions you were asked.
  6. Nominate 6-7 other bloggers.
  7. Ask the nominees any five questions of your choice.


Three Things About Myself:

Hmm… I can’t think of anything! Haha! Well…

1. I’m not a big fan of social media. I’ve only started using Twitter a few months back and I don’t seem to know how to use it properly. Ha! I don’t have a Facebook account and very inactive on Instagram.

2. I love to talk. When I meet someone I really enjoy talking to, I can talk with them for hours on end.

3. I value space and freedom.

Here are my answers to Elly’s questions:

1. What’s your inspiration for writing?

As I always say, I don’t really consider myself a writer though writing has been a very big part of my life. I mostly write when I’m feeling too much about something or someone. I only get to write things that I’ve seen or experienced. I daydream a lot but I can’t put them into words. 😉 Sounds weird or strange maybe? But yeah, whatever I’m feeling or experiencing are I guess, what inspires me to write.

2. Who is your favorite superhero?

Wolverine. I’m anti-violence but I like his use of deadly force. 😅 I, myself, am a rebel and he brings out the rebel in us.

Magneto. I like his ability to control magnetic fields.

3. Wanna explore the world or sit back and relax?

Definitely explore the world. I’ve been to a few countries for the past nine years and traveling and exploring places I haven’t been to before are truly wonderful, enlightening, heartwarming and sometimes heart-breaking experiences. When I become rich, traveling is top priority!

4. Summer with rain or winter with spring?

Hmm… I would choose winter and spring. I want to see snow. And spring because in my hometown, it always almost seems like spring time because flowers bloom almost all year ’round.

5. Movie or hangout with your friends?

I’m not really into movies but here in Kuwait, hanging out with friends means watching a movie. 🙂 Whether in the cinema or in someone’s apartment, there has got to be movies though I don’t really pay much attention to it.

Now here are my nominees:

Hiral N.

Himani Thakur

Realistic Beginner





My questions for the nominees are:

  1. What is something you will never do again?
  2. What is something everyone should do at least once in their lives?
  3. What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?
  4. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
  5. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford?

There you go! I hope the nominees will find time to accept this, I can’t wait to read your answers! And once again, thanks a lot, Elly! 🙂

Happy day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award #4

Whoa! I saw this pretty late but it’s better late than never… Many thanks to Nefelibata. I believe she just started blogging recently but it’s worth checking out here.

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The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging sites.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  5. List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo on your site or on your post.

The Nominees:




Dee Kelly


NChanting Whispers






The Questions for the Nominees:

1. Who is your favorite person and why?

2. One thing you can’t live without.

3. Best thing about your hometown.

4. Your favorite book.

5. Recommend a TV show/series.

6. The last thing that made you cry.

7. Your number one goal this year.

8. Your favorite food.

9. What one place in your country do you recommend I visit?

10. Black or white?

11. What kind of person do you think I am?

Now, let me try answering Nefelibata’s questions:

1.What is your favourite post you’ve written?

Hmm… I don’t know… Probably I’d pick:

2.What things are you most grateful over in your life?

My family. My job. Good health. Friends. Enemies.

3.What would your ideal day be like?

In a cottage somewhere faraway in the mountains. No internet. A good book. Good food. Some coffee and alcohol.

4.One song you’ll never stop listening?

Swept Away by Christopher Cross.

5.Where is your favourite place you’ve been?

I love Hanoi, Vietnam. Also Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan.

6.What made you start blogging?


7.What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done!?

A lot. And it seems like I do crazy things everyday because everyday people call me crazy. 😉 But one thing I can remember was when I was in 5th grade and I locked my teacher and classmates in the classroom and went home. 😁😁😁

8.Tell me about one of the most interesting dream you’ve seen.

I dreamed about being the queen of a planet some galaxies far from the Milky Way and everything was beautiful, peaceful and happy. Abundant food, healthy lifestyle, no social media, simple life.

9.What is your hobby?

Reading. Tennis. Making other people’s lives miserable. Haha! Just kidding! 😁

10.Who is the person you admire the most.

Ferdinand Marcos.

11.If you could have any superpower… What would it be?

Telekinesis. Time travel. Flying.

There you go! Thanks again, Nefelibata!!!

Happy day, homo sapiens!😊

Liebster Award #6

Hello there! Today’s post is another Liebster and I want to thank Zovi for this! Do check out her blog here if you haven’t yet! Lots of nice stuff to read there! 🙂


The Rules:

  1. Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, links to their blog. Include award graphic.
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Make a new set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Nominate 11 others and share your post with them so they see it.

The Questions from Zovi and My Answers:

What gets you through a bad day (or everyday)?

Food, coffee and a great conversation.

Who has been your role model? Why?

Oh I don’t remember having any role models growing up or even now that I’m an adult. I greatly admire Ferdinand Marcos, though.

Would you rather have more time or money?

Money. I think I pretty much have time but not enough money to do the many things I want to do for myself and to help other people.

One word that describes you and your blog.


Which is the first book that made you cry?

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

It relaxes me.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

I really don’t know but in my case, I only get to write when I’m feeling too much.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

As I always mention, I don’t really consider myself a writer but if there’s something I would tell my younger self… hmmm… “Do what you truly want in life that makes you happy no matter what it takes and regardless of what that looks like to other people.”

Which is your favorite post from my blog?

Stop Caring.

If you could bring back anyone from the dead, who would it be? Why?

Adolf Hitler because I have a lot of questions for him and to tell him that because of him, I won first place in an essay writing contest when I was in elementary school and some cash prize! 🙂

The Nominees:






I know I should nominate 11 bloggers but I’m running out of time so I’m nominating everyone reading this as well! Or you can answer the questions in the comment section, too, for an interesting discussion. 🙂

My Questions:

  1. What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
  2. Where is your happy place?
  3. What’s your dream job?
  4. What are you most afraid of?
  5. The best way for you to relax.
  6. Your favorite movie.
  7. What are you most proud of?
  8. Has a book ever changed your life?
  9. What sports do you play?
  10. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
  11. What do you hope never changes?

Enjoy the day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Ask Me!

Hello, everyone!

First of all, thanks a lot for your wonderful birthday wishes yesterday. I think I received a lot this year than any other, from here on WordPress, on Twitter, and everyone who called and sent text messages, wow! Thanks a lot, guys! You all made it extra special, thank you!

1_Ot2ffVKd-_gwF5zaZz5lAgAnyway, I’ve decided to write this post as fast as I could before I continue with my work again… I’m giving my readers a chance to ask me one question each. I will try my best to answer them all. Then maybe I can ask you back one question, too. I think it’s a good way to get to know each other.

So guys, let’s get started, ask me! 🙂

Photo credit to the owner, I just got this from Google!

The Mystery Blogger Award

I momentarily stepped away from work to accept this nomination for The Mystery Blogger Award! A first! How cool is that? Huge thanks to Jyoti for nominating me and sorry for doing this so bloody late! Make sure to check out her blog here. She’s got tons of wonderful stuff to enjoy there.


The Rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. You have to nominate 10-20 people.
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice.

The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma where he says:

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”

Three Things About Me:

1. I’m a frustrated singer.

2. I can’t whistle.

3. I’ve consistently been writing a diary since 2009 until I stopped writing for a while some time last year. I started to write again a few months later and finally decided not to write anymore since the new year.

Jyoti’s Questions and My Answers:

1. Are you happy with your life? If yes, explain your happiness in one word.

I don’t have everything I want in life and things turned out differently the way I planned my life to be but I’m certainly happy as to what and where I am now. So if I were to describe my happiness in one word, it would be: blessed.

2. Which is your favorite color and why?

I’ve had several favorites at certain moments in my life. Like when I was in elementary school, I was so obsessed with green. I think I was really into nature at that time. In high school, I liked white a lot. Most of my shirts were white then. When I was in the university, I was into gray. I was a bit uncertain of the things that were going on then. So I always settle on things in between. Decisions weren’t too easy to make. I don’t know if that makes sense to you but it does to me during those years. After graduating though and until now, I find purple lovely and I like black a lot. Most of my clothes now are black. Helps me look a bit slimmer, too! 😉

3. Explain your way of life to your viewers.

For those who have been following me for some time now, you know I’m currently residing/working in Kuwait. I go to work Sundays thru Thursdays and have my days off on weekends (Friday & Saturday) which I usually spend reading, writing or sometimes watching. There’s not much to do around here unlike back in my country so it’s a bit boring actually. I have a very laid-back lifestyle and I don’t concern myself with fashion or the latest trends. I mostly eat out or order for delivery  because I’m not a good cook.

4. What do you fear the most?

My mom and an empty fridge. 😂

5. Do you think the one who nominated you is a good writer/blogger?

Definitely! 👍

The Nominees:

Laleh Chini

Pankhudi Singh









My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Space or ocean exploration and why?
  2. What’s your dream job?
  3. The first thing you’ll save from your burning house?
  4. What’s your current favorite song?
  5. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be and why?

There you go! I hope you all enjoyed reading and I’m looking forward to the answers of the nominees as well, I hope you accept the nomination. 🙂

Once again, thanks a lot, Jyoti!

Have a wonderful day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Liebster Award #4

Well, well, well… This. Is. Really. Amazing! Thank you so much Abdul for nominating me! Sorry for doing this very late, I’m very busy at work most of the time but here it is! To my readers who haven’t discovered his blog yet, do visit it here. Lots of interesting things to read from there. 🙂


The Rules:

  1. Create a post thanking the person who nominated you, provide a link to their blog.
  2. Include award graphic.
  3. Answer the questions provided.
  4. Make a new set of ten questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Nominate 5-11 upcoming or recently followed bloggers and share your post with them so they see it.

Abdul’s questions and my answers:

1. Did you ever felt you were just going to die? What was your last wish?

Getting drunk is fun but there was one occasion where I felt like I had alcohol poisoning. I was vomiting for an hour or so in the bathroom, I don’t know, it was painful and crazy, I must’ve called and prayed to all the saints I knew back then to please relieve me from the trouble I’m into. I did feel like I was gonna die then and I’m not so sure what happened after. When I woke up, I was still in the bathroom. 🙂 I don’t remember having any last wish or something at that time except that I’ve been praying to just let the vomiting/pain stop.

2. Have you ever tried eating food sitting on the floor instead of dining table? Does it feel more comfortable to sit on the floor and eat?

Yes, I’ve tried eating sitting on the floor several times before but no, it’s not that comfortable for me. I can do it again but I still prefer eating on a dining table.

3. You receive a call, and the speaker says,” XYZ (The person you hate the most) Just died”, Will you forgive that person or keep holding the anger till the end of your life?

Well, I think, if I ever get to receive a call like that, I’m pretty sure I have long-forgiven that person already. Sure I do hold a grudge for a while but I let it go just the same. Chances are it might make me feel sad hearing the news.

4. You are deeply in love with a person, And he/she call you suddenly out of no-where and says,”I Love You”. What will be your response?

I don’t know, I’d probably be lost for words.

5. While traveling, you forgot your bag in the Bus, Train etc. Everything is in your bag even your mobile phone, what’s the very first thing you are going to do?

Cry. Just kidding! 🙂 Hmmm… I need to stay calm first of all and think of what I have to do next.

6. Kill One and save 1000, and the one to kill is your best friend. What will you do?

Sorry, best friend… yeah, kill one! If one needs to die for a thousand to thrive, then so be it. (I hope my best friend doesn’t get to read this. 😉 )

7. On a vacation, you lost your memory – At what place can i find you?

*(Places you visit regularly)

If not in a library, very likely in a restaurant.

8. The leader OR The follower (The lion Or The lamb)?

Very likely the leader. 🙂

9. A Coffee with a stranger Or Conversation with a known person?

Oh! I’m on the fence here. Hmmm… there are definitely people I’ve known for quite some time now that I would really love to talk to all the time but having coffee with a stranger is very interesting, too, which actually just happened last Friday. 🙂 So at the moment, I’d choose coffee with a stranger.

10. To create your own story (HOW)? OR be someone else story (WHY)?

Definitely create my own story. How? I still have to figure that out! 🙂

Choosing the nominees is always the most difficult part here but today The nominees are:



John Snow




The questions for the nominees are:

1. How did you celebrate Christmas?

  1. What’s your favorite thing about Christmas?

  2. What’s the best thing that happened to you this year?

  3. Your top three goals for the coming year.

5. Would you like to be famous? For what reason?

6. What’s the first thing you notice in people?

7. Name a special place you’ve been to where you’d like to go again.

  1. Which do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?

  2. What’s the worst thing someone has ever done to you?

  3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?

As always, I can’t wait to read your answers to my questions and get to know you more!

Once again, thank you, Abdul! This is one among my special gifts this Christmas! 🙂

Happy day, homo sapiens!

Liebster Award #3

Many thanks to Sameera for nominating me for my third Liebster Award! Do check out and enjoy this very young lady’s blog here.

download (1)

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 5-11 blogs/bloggers.
  4. Ask the bloggers 10-11 questions.

Here are Sameera’s questions and my answers:

One thing that you would like to change in your life.

Hmmm, this is difficult. There are some things I’d like to change but I think altering them would also change the rest of my life so I’d rather not. However, I’d like to say that I’d consider being less-friendly if I could.

What would you do if you are about to lose everything in your life?

Now this is even more difficult. Hmmm… well, what should I do? What can I do? I’d probably let it all go at that moment, think about the loss and feel it, then work my ass to retrieve back the things/people I’ve lost that matter and live a better life in order not to lose them again.

Advice you would like to give to me about my poems.

As I always mention, I don’t think I’m in the position to give advice to writers/bloggers but just keep on writing (according to my writer friend), I think you’d learn as you write more.

The person who influenced you the most.

My parents. They’re two very different individuals and I wonder how they’ve managed to stay together for thirty-nine years (and counting) but they instilled in me moral values that helped me learn and grow in every way.

Any adventurous thing you would like to share.

I find it really very adventurous trying every kind of food I see wherever I am and the best food adventure I had was in Hanoi, Vietnam. You’ll never run out of something new for your taste buds. 🙂

Books you would like to read.

There are tons of books I’d like to read and I still have more than 50 unread books on my shelves! Yay!

If you had one last chance to change anything what would it be?

Same answer to the first question.

How you came across writing blog?

I’m not sure I understand this question right but if you meant how I decided to write a blog, well, it was purely out of boredom two years ago…

What inspires you to write?

I usually only get to write when I feel too much. I’m no writer/blogger. It just so happens that some thoughts come into mind and I just write them.

Apart from writing what else you love to do in life.

I love eating, reading, playing tennis and making other people’s lives miserable. Haha! Just kidding about the last one! 😀

The nominees are:


And my questions are:

  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What’s your dream job?
  3. Which do you prefer more, watching TV or reading?
  4. What does your perfect day look like?
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  7. Recommend a movie. Why do you recommend it?
  8. When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
  9. What’s your favorite time of day?
  10. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?

I can’t think of better questions to ask at the moment but I’m very interested to know your answers.

Once again, thank you, Sameera!

Happy day, homo sapiens! 🙂

Sunshine Blogger Award #1

A huge thank you to Savvy for the nomination. Please know that I do appreciate the recognition and that this means a lot because it shows that someone out there reads my blog and probably connects to what I write one way or the other. 🙂 Do check out and enjoy Savvy’s blog here.

download (2)The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 blogs to receive the award and write for them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Savvy’s Questions:

What is your take on equality of sexes? 

Well, men and women are not the same but both have equal value, thus, should be granted equal treatment. We can not achieve gender equality for as long as women are treated as secondary citizens.

What is your idea of happiness?

An integrated and balanced life.

What is your idea of a perfect day in your life?

In a cabin in the woods, with a book, good food and music. No internet. (With my boyfriend, if I have one, would be a bonus!)

Do you like to dance, if so what style or form attracts you?

Yes, I like dancing. I just go disco dancing, actually, but would love to learn and dance salsa.

What are you most thankful for?

There are tons of things I am always thankful for but these days I have to say, I’m really grateful for my job and good health.

Among the many valuable qualities what is the most important quality to develop as a human being?

I personally think that it is important to develop the quality of our mindset because it influences everything we see, think, do and believe in.

The nominees:

My 11 questions for the nominees are:

What makes a person beautiful to you?

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from a failure?

How do you get rid of stress?

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read recently?

What animal/insect do you wish human can eradicate?

What are you best at?

Which do you prefer more, books or movies?

Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just cease to exist after you die?

Would you rather be forced to kill a kitten or kill a puppy?

What do you wish your phone could do?

If time freezes for everyone except you for one whole day, what would you do?

I hope you enjoyed reading and to the nominees, I’m looking forward to your answers. 🙂

Again, thanks a lot, Savvy!

Happy day, everyone!

Liebster Award #2

This is a much delayed response to Ocean Hayward but I’m still very grateful for this Liebster Award! Wow! Another Liebster just means so much. This is so sweet! Thanks a lot, Ocean! Visit her blog and find lots of great things there! 🙂


The instructions for accepting the Liebster are:

  • Create a new post thanking the person who nominated you, link their blog and insert the award graphic.
  • Answer the questions provided to you, share a little bit about yourself.
  • Develop a new set of questions for your nominations to answer.
  • Nominate 10 others and share your post with them so they see it.

So… here are her questions and my answers:

What advice would you give to young writers/ new bloggers?

Oh I don’t think I’m the right person to give advice to young writers/new bloggers. I’m a newbie, too! 😊

How did you learn how to read and write? I honestly don’t remember a time trying to learn how to read/write, really. What I can recall is that I always read with my older brother most of the time.

What made you want to start writing/ creating? There was a really sad time when I was still in grade school and writing served as the outlet for my feelings/emotions. I’m able to write when I’m feeling too much.

If you had to switch jobs, what career would you pursue and why? I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer and politician. I think I can lead and I have a brilliant plan on how to improve the current situation in my country. (Haha!)

Would you rather be able to move things with your mind or be able to talk to animals? Even though being able to talk to animals sounds fun to me, I guess I’d rather be able to move things with my mind. I’ve got some ideas running in my head already. 😉

What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done? Hmmm… I think peeing on the rooftop because I was drunk and lazy to go to the bathroom. (?)

Referring to the television show Freaks and Geeks, when you were in high school were you a freak or a geek? A freak definitely.

Name one fashion fad that you secretly still love and are waiting for it to come back into style. I really liked to wear Tretorn shoes before but I don’t see them nowadays (well, I don’t see them here…) but I would love to wear one again specially the ones I used to have back in high school.

Your first thought that comes to mind when someone mentions, “Canada.” Snow and the maple leaf. 🙂

Tell us about the funniest thing that ever happened ever. EVER. (I mean it. Ever.) I once locked my classmates and the teacher inside the classroom when I was in 5th grade. They weren’t able to go out until lunch break and I later found out that some were crying and going crazy being locked up. It’s probably scary for them but was really funny for me because I’ve never done anything like that before and I’m not sure why I did it but it was real fun at the time. And oh! My teacher’s face when she saw me later, pure pleasure! 😀

Now the Liebster awardees are :

  1. NS
  2. Aishwarya
  3. A Not so Jaded Life
  4. Seema Mehra
  5. Lunarian Thoughts
  6. Priti C
  7. Silhouette
  8. Queenyasaaawrites
  9. Elma Shakil
  10. ByLuis7

And the 10 questions they’ve got to answer :

  1. What do you think about first thing in the morning?
  2. What’s your personal heaven?
  3. When God asks you while standing in the gates of heaven why should He let you in, what would you say?
  4. What do you do to forget about life for a while?
  5. Have you ever taken responsibility over someone else’s mistake?
  6. What bad habits do you want to break?
  7. What terrifies you the most?
  8. What comes to mind first when you think of your home?
  9. If one day Karma comes back to you, would it help you or hurt you?
  10. What were you doing the last time you lost track of time?

Looking forward to your answers! Thanks again, Ocean!ppy day, homo sapiens!

Liebster Award #1

It’s such a wonderful feeling to be recognized in the blogging community! Huge thanks to Shweta! 🙂 High-five! Check out her blog:

Lots of beautiful things to read there. It took me quite some time to do this, I’m sorry, but here it is! 🙂

www.kirstiekinsblogs.co_.uk_The Rules:

  1. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
  2. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  3. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  4. Let them know that you have nominated them.

Below are the 11 questions from Shweta:

1. How long have you been blogging?

If you didn’t ask, I wouldn’t have realized that it’s been almost two years since I started this blog. 🙂

2. What’s the story behind your blog’s name?

I often feel that I’m such a mess, a walking chaos and so on but a happy kind of mess and all, and so the blog name…

3. What is your favorite genre and is it the same one you write?

No particular favorite and I’m not really a writer, I’m far from it so I just write whatever little thoughts come to mind (or out of boredom) like six-word stories and haiku and book reviews if you can call them that…

4. How has blogging changed your life?

Hmmm… I’m not really an active blogger and there’s no real life-changing effect on me to be quite honest and I hope the readers won’t get me wrong, however, I must say that if I didn’t start with this blog, I probably wouldn’t have met wonderful bloggers and I probably wouldn’t have come across amazing blogs.

5. Describe yourself in five words.

Naughty. Happy-go-lucky. Independent. Unpredictable. Rebellious.

6. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small city located some 5,000 feet above sea level within a mountain range in Northern Philippines.

7. What is your most treasured possession?

My books.

8. What is the most watched movie/TV series in your collection?

Lately, for movies, Logan. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it already.

For TV series, Game of Thrones and House of Cards. (I haven’t watched Season 5 yet!!!)

9. Do you love to read? If the answer to that is yes, Books or Kindle?

Yes. Definitely books though I must say I’ve been reading more from my Kindle since someone gave it to me.

10. Cats or dogs? Or both? Or none?

Dogs, of course! I would love to own a golden retriever.

11. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Ferdinand Marcos and/or Adolf Hitler.

My nominees are:

Savvy Raj

Candid Hunter Productions

Anusha Muralidharan


Jyoti Jain Soni




Samita Shrestha

And if you’re reading this, consider yourself nominated as well. 🙂

My 11 questions are:

  1. Describe yourself in three words.

  2. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?

  3. What sports do you play?

  4. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

  5. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

  6. What’s your favorite book?

  7. Who’s your favorite author and why?

  8. What is something that you will never do again?

  9. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

  10. What’s your favorite cuisine?

  11. What do you wish you knew more about?

Thanks again, Shweta and thanks guys for reading! Happy Tuesday!

Coffee Break

Had coffee break with my colleagues this afternoon and it sure was fun! I will miss hanging out with these two wonderful people!

Anyway, which of these three frappuccinos do you think is mine guys? 😉